Content Tips to Help Coaches Like You Create Effective Content That Resonates Your Audience.
Whether you’ve been coaching for one year or ten, all coaches eventually run out of ideas or hit a wall when creating new content to reach their current audience and attract new clients.
When it comes to creating content for your social media platforms, it’s imperative that your content has the ability to resonate with your audience.
Not every person who comes across your website, podcast, or Instagram is going to be blown away by what you have to say. But, if you can hit home with even just one reader, I’d call that a win.
And, you’re more than likely to hit home with more than one by trying some of these ideas out:
- Build Your Credibility
Sometimes it’s ok to brag.
No one likes a “one upper”, but it’s ok to let your audience know what separates you from the rest.
There are a lot, and I mean a LOT of coaches out there. You absolutely SHOULD make sure that your new and existing audience is confident that you know your sh** and are worth their investment in your services.
Perhaps you have an innovative way of approaching a certain topic, or a unique method that has had exponential success with your existing clients. Gathering reviews from your beyond satisfied clients is another great way to build your credibility. Share it and talk about it!
- Let’s Talk Statistics
Numbers put the “proof in the pudding.”
You can spend all day talking about the benefits of exercise, but add the fact that 28% of people with obesity have an increased risk of heart disease and it turns a regular read into “that could be me.” This is what statistics and numbers do.
Statistics and numbers create a factual connection between your topic and your audience. It can be super helpful and effective for you to do the research in your area of expertise and drop some important statistics here and there to hit home with your audience.
- If The Shoe Doesn’t Fit, Don’t Wear It
If being a coach is your absolute passion, I think it’s safe to say that helping people is what makes you tick.
But…you aren’t going to be the perfect fit for everyone––and that’s ok.
As long as you are clear and concise about what you offer, how you expect results to be achieved, and who would and wouldn’t benefit from your services, you’ll save yourself tons of time and frustration in the future.
- Throwback Thursday
Let’s face it, there was likely a time before you became a coach when you yourself struggled in the area that you are now an expert in.
You lived and you learned and now your purpose is to serve. Identify one of your most intimate and relatable struggles or roadblocks you had before you became a coach and share it with your audience.
This makes you relatable AND lets the reader know that if you overcame that obstacle, so can they….and most importantly, that YOU are the one who can help them do it!
- “I Am Not a Robot”
You know those captcha codes you have to pass to prove that you’re a real person in order to gain access to a certain website? You don’t want your content to feel like that.
You want your audience to know that you’re a real person.
You’re more than just a business owner, a coach, or an avenue to improvement: You are a real person with real interests, a real life, and real struggles!
Don’t be afraid to share more intimate parts of your life with your audience through your content. This creates a connection between you and your audience and makes you relatable and more approachable.
Throw in a picture of your fur baby here and there along with a selfie of you at your favorite restaurant. Leave some spaghetti sauce on your face. Chances are, your audience will love it!
- Quotes Are Popular For a Reason
I can’t tell you how many times I scroll through social media and come to an abrupt stop when I read a quote I relate to. I start digging deeper.
Who posted this? What are they about?
I look at their website and learned more about the person behind the words. I begin to self reflect and consider roads to change that perhaps I hadn’t considered before. Quotes are extremely powerful. So pick one of your favorite quotes and share it.
- Don’t Just Talk About It, Be About It.
It’s easy to identify an area of needed improvement and determine a desirable change or end result. But what people really want to know is HOW to get there.
If you have a signature method, process, or strategy, share it! Of course you don’t want to give all of your secrets away (save that for paying clients), but give people a reason to believe that their desired outcome is more than just an unfathomable fantasy. Give them a small glimpse into your zone of genius.
If you do it right, they’ll be called to action and they’ll be looking to you for that desired end result.
Content is Key!
Creating effective and relatable content is a powerful strategy when it comes to building and maintaining your social media audience. Use these 7 tips to make it a little easier the next time you’re feeling stumped and see what a difference it makes in your engagement!
If you need assistance creating content for your coaching business, I am a virtual assistant for coaches! Contact me and lets see if we are a good fit!