7 No-BS Content Tips for Coaches
Content Tips to Help Coaches Like You Create Effective Content That Resonates Your Audience. Whether you’ve been coaching for one year or ten, all coaches
As a coach or consultant, you’re BUSY….and maybe that work-life balance is getting further and further out of reach.
You start wondering if you should stop building your business, or just give up entirely on having a life outside of coaching calls + ZOOM meetings.
I’m here to let you know that you don’t HAVE to choose.
I created Delegated To Devon so that calendar-packed coaches like you can take the admin-related tasks off your plate so you can actually EAT off your plate. At the dinner table. While it’s still hot. With your family.
If you’re looking for a virtual assistant to help you with those behind-the-scenes tasks that keep you from putting your revenue-generating work center-stage (AND taking a well-deserved break every once in a while!), let’s talk.
You only have 40 hours in a work week. How many of those hours are spent managing your calendar, sending emails, working on your social media, writing your blog, or other backend tasks?
Take that amount of time. Multiply it by how much your time is worth. That’s how much money you’re losing by not outsourcing to a virtual assistant.
Imagine your life with a reliable virtual assistant for your coaching or consulting business…
Your coaching business is one of the most significant time + financial investments you’ll ever make.
You don’t want to trust just anyone with the pieces of your business that keep it running.
I get it.
An an entrepreneur myself, I know how much effort goes into keeping a business running.
Delegated to Devon was created by a business owner for business owners, so that you get the virtual assistant support you need without worrying whether or not the work is done right.
Just starting out or just need a little help throughout the month? My 15 hour package is perfect for coaches who need taskwork completed on an as-needed basis.
What you could do with an extra 15 hours a month:
-Take 20 Spin Classes
-Take off an extra 2 days a month
-Sleep in an extra 45 minutes every weekday
Coaching business starting to pick up speed and you have more work than you can logically fit into a day? 30 hours of virtual assistance can revolutionize your day-to-day.
What you could do with an extra 30 hours a month:
-Create an extra-long morning routine + ease into your day
-Take on 2-3 more clients
- Spend dinners with your family every night
Established, busy coach with your calendar getting booked at record speed? More success comes with more to-dos. 45 hours of assistance can help you streamline and keep up the momentum.
What you could do with an extra 45 hours a month:
-Cut your workdays in half
-Join a yoga class and go EVERY SINGLE DAY.
-Take a real vacation
Content Tips to Help Coaches Like You Create Effective Content That Resonates Your Audience. Whether you’ve been coaching for one year or ten, all coaches
Curious About Virtual Assistants? Here’s What You Need to Know. If you’re a booked business owner, chances are you’ve heard about virtual assistants. With more
As a coach, you’re a business owner. And as a business owner, you’ve forty plates spinning at any given time. One drops, they all drop.